Brandon, known artistically as HAUMS embarked on his music production journey in January 2020. Influenced by deep meditative music to melodic and organic dance tracks, HAUMS sound is a blend of soul vibes and trance-like rhythms. His production skill has led to 16 top 100 tracks in just three years, including a #1 spot in organic house. His work has caught the attention of industry giants like Tiësto and Nora En Pure, marking him as a rising talent to watch.
Andrea, renowned for his ability to scout and nurture new talent, founded the highly successful melodic techno record label “Running Clouds.” Through his impeccable curation, he not only attracted renowned artists but also discovered and fostered emerging talents, solidifying the label’s reputation. Now, bringing his expertise to the forefront, Andrea also takes on the role of label manager at Quantum Feels, where he is dedicated to showcasing exceptional artists in the organic and progressive house industry.
Asia is a true visionary and essential part of our creative process. With her eye for design and devotion to expanding consciousness, she has an uncanny ability to sprinkle fairy dust all over Quantum Feels, making our work shine brighter than ever before. As the overseer of much of our creative assets, she ensures that all of QF’s releases stay true to our mission and vision, producing art that deeply resonates with the soul of our audience.
© 2023 Quantum Feels, llc – Nashville, TN – USA